
Tell us what you think about Avira

However, since we know that perfection cannot be attained and improvements can always be  made, we want to know your opinion about our products and our website. And this is where I come in. My name is Bogdan and I am a Web Content Publisher at Avira.

My job revolves around implementing translations, updating content on Avira’s website and writing the ocassional blog article. When I have a bit of free time I also like to train my creative muscle and let my geek side go wild. That’s why we ended up doing a Star Wars campaign on the 4th of May. And since I’m also an enthusiastic gamer, I have some ideas about how gaming and Avira can go hand-in-hand. But that’s for another time.

Now, since you know a little about me, I’m interested in knowing a bit of what you think about Avira. Use the comment section below and tell me what you like or dislike about Avira, how long you have used an Avira product, if you would recommend any of our products to your friends/family/co-workers, or anything else you think will help us make your online life easier.

You are the force that drives us to improve ourselves and create better products, and your feedback is the most valuable information you can offer us.

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