Avira Gaming: From Gamers for Gamers

I believe some of the blog posts we published in the past might have tipped you off and given us away. Just like in every tech savvy company we of course have our fair share of geeks, nerds, and well … gamers. And since gamers are an awfully cool bunch of people, we wanted to share our passion for gaming with you guys. That’s where Avira Gaming comes into play.

What is Avira Gaming?

Avira Gaming is a group of Avira employees who love PC games and want to share this love with the world. We are by no means professionals or especially good at gaming (though some of us might be) but we utterly enjoy it!

To do so there now is an Avira Twitch channel* where we plan on sharing our passion with everyone who is interested in it and wants to get to know us better.

When will you be playing and stream?

We are all hard working folks (we want you to stay safe while enjoying the internet after all!) which is why we have no regular schedule so far and probably will not have one any time soon. We will inform you on the official Avira Twitter and Facebook channels in advance, before we start a new streaming session though. So if you want to stay informed and don’t want to miss out, just follow us there.

What games are you playing?

To be honest a variety of games since everyone has their favorites. We plan on playing some games together, like Left 4 Dead 2 or Dota 2 for example. Other games might include Natural Selection 2, The Witcher III, The Secret World, GTA 5, etc. There is no limit, really. If you want to see us play something specific let us know! We are always happy to try out new games.

What languages will you stream in?

English, German, and Romanian should be the main languages you can expect. Most of the time you will find a little tag in the title to indicate which language the stream is in.

To kick things off we are going to stream Left 4 Dead 2 tonight at 20:30 CEST on the Avira Gaming channel on Twitch.tv. You can check out our last session over here. But be warned – some of us (namely I) are real n00bs.

That’s it. We hope you will enjoy the show and hope to see you soon . And as someone kind of famous keeps saying: Play more games!


* Twitch.tv is a live streaming video platform with its primary focus on video gaming.

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