Digital Certificates – How helpful are they?

Digital Certificates contain some or all of the following information (not all of these attributes have to be specified):

This is what a certificate looks like in a debugger view:

Below you can see the same certificate as before but in the general MS Windows overview.

Things are changing though: Since malware authors have found ways to steal or fake digital certificates, one can never be really sure if a file with a valid certificate is legit or not.

Suspicion: How can I find out if a digital certificate is trustworthy?

Also, it is necessary to know if a signature is still valid or expired. This might bring additional value to the classification, although when working with adware, one often encounters valid signatures.

The other way around: Classifying files based on digital certificates

On the other hand, adware vendors also use certificates to make sure their files are theirs. We, as an Antivirus company, can use this to our advantage. It enables us to classify files being suspicious of Adware or other possibly unwanted applications in a very simple manner.

If it is known that a certain adware type is always certified by the same certificate issuer, we can classify this issuer as potentially adware-related. Any new unknown file that is also signed by this issuer, now also is considered to be potentially adware-related. This works for all other prefixes as well, like APPL, PUA etc.

Obviously, this way of classification is not highly secure, but it gives us the opportunity to quickly find and easily filter certain amounts of files for further analysis and creating detections.

Let’s take a look at an example:
This is a valid certificate of a known adware vendor of the PUA/InstallCore family. Starting here, we can gather that most of the files which have “Digital Digest Pty Ltd” as the certificate issuer are part of the same adware family. A simple google search confirms it and verifies the fact that said issuer is at least suspicious to a certain amount.

Several departments within the Avira Protection Lab (e.g. the engine team and protection QA) act as additional sources for suspicious certificate names. Anyone who processes a lot of files and sees any similarities in the certificates is providing the virus lab with the information needed to make a classification. This cross-department communication has proven very useful in the past and has led to many synergy effects.

Back on topic, the same vendor could use different names for the signatures.


Certificates are very powerful as an analysis instrument. They cannot and will not replace conventional detection creation though; being simple ASCII-Text based makes them not 100% reliable. But as a quick and easy addition they serve their purpose well.

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