A comprehensive guide to MD5 Hash: What it is and how it works 

Welcome to our beginner’s guide to cryptography, or to be more precise, the mathematical tool that plays a key role: the not-so-humble hash function that helps ensure that the data you send is unaltered. So, you can rest assured that the recipient receives your email precisely as you sent it (no detailed comparisons required!). Join us as we ‘hash out’ the MD5 hash function and explore why it’s no longer considered safe—and be sure to help safeguard your online privacy with free Avira Phantom VPN.  


What is MD5 hashing?

MD5 hashing is akin to a cyber policeman, keeping a vigilant watch over the digital realm. To understand how it works, let’s see where it started. Developed by Ronald Rivest in 1991, MD5 hashing quickly gained prominence as a go-to tool for verifying data integrity and authenticity in the early days of the internet. Its role was critical in ensuring that information transmitted across the digital landscape remained uncompromised, giving you (the user) peace of mind.  

When you use MD5 hashing, your data is broken into smaller parts. These pieces then go through mathematical processes, like adding and dividing until finally they’re turned into a code called an MD5 hash. This code acts as a digital ‘signature’ for your data, so you can quickly check if it’s been tampered with. And here’s the truly amazing part: No matter how much data you put in, the MD5 hash is always the same length—16 bytes (or 128 bits) and is typically represented in a hexadecimal format 

If you’re silently screaming “But why would you bother?”, bear with us. Calculating an MD5 hash lets us easily and quickly compare data to verify its accuracy. By condensing any input—be it a small text file or massive database—into a fixed-length string of characters it creates a unique digital fingerprint for that data. This check enables users to easily verify the integrity of the data. If it’s been changed in any way (after being transmitted or while being stored, for example), the original input data will create a different hash value that no longer matches.  

There was a time when it was a vital encryption tool when sending a sensitive message or storing your top-secret passwords. New offerings from the cryptographic toolbox have now surpassed it. Yet despite its vulnerabilities, the adaptability and evolution of the humble MD5 hash has helped ensure its continued relevance in the modern digital landscape. Let’s see how it works—and why it stopped being so secure.  

How does MD5 work? See the mechanics behind it  

To recap, MD5 takes your data and has it leap through a series of digital hoops to create a unique code or signature that can be matched with the original file. As an authentication service, it helps ensure that the right files end up—intact and unchanged—in the right places. Let’s unpack each of the stages involved:  

The process may seem arduous (it is) but computers achieve it in mere seconds! Now for some fun (sort of). You can have a go here at creating your own MD5 hashes 

What are the key features of message digest 5 algorithms? 

MD5 has some unique characteristics that make it an integral part of our digital interactions. Let’s explore these, and some fancy new technical adjectives, to see how this plays out in real life.  

MD algorithms always have a fixed-length output. No matter how big or small your input is, MD5 will always produce a code that is 32 characters long. Whether you’re scanning Africa’s gentle giant (elephant) or a tiny mouse, the fingerprint is always the same size.  

 They’re deterministic. If you put the same data into MD5, you should always get the same result. Think back to maths class and how you would use the same formula to solve a maths problem/equation. Typically, if you follow the steps correctly, you will arrive at the same answer helping ensure that the result is precise and eliminating margins of error.  

 They’re capable of quick computations. Imagine needing to check a list of hundreds of files to see if they’re the same. MD5 can do this quickly by comparing their hashes.  

There’s no going back! They’re non-reversible. Once MD5 creates a hash from your data, you can’t turn that hash back into the original data. It’s like shredding a document: You can use the shredded pieces to verify it was the original document, but you can’t put it back together to read the original text. This makes MD5 useful for checking data integrity but not for encryption where you need to retrieve the original data. 

Get hands on: How to generate MD5 Hashes in Python  

Creating an MD5 hash in Python sounds technical, but fear not. We’ve tried to break it down for you. 

  1. Import the hashlib library: This is basically like opening a toolbox. By importing the ‘hashlib’ library, you’re getting access to all the tools needed to create hashes.  
  2. Create an MD5 hash object: Once you’ve opened your toolbox, you need to pick the right tool for the job. In this case, you’re creating a special tool specifically for making MD5 hashes. We’ll call this tool our “MD5 hash machine”.  
  3. Update the hash object with data: Now that you have your MD5 hash machine ready, you need to give it something to work with. Imagine feeding ingredients into a blender to make a smoothie. Your data goes into the MD5 hash machine, but there’s a small catch—it can only handle data in a special format called “bytes”. So, if you have regular text, you need to convert it into bytes, e.g. to UTF-8 format, before feeding it to the machine.  
  4. Generate the hash digest: Once you’ve fed the data into your MD5 hash machine, it does its magic and spits out a unique code, called a “hash digest”. This code is a special kind of code that represents your data in a compact and secure way (it effectively puts your data through a secret code generator!)  

Feeling like a special agent yet? With MD5, you wield a special superpower that allows you to turn any information into a secret code that only you can decode.  

See MD5 in action for everyday use 

MD5 is now primarily used to authenticate files, so you can quickly check a copy against an original. While this may sound like a narrow skill set, it has its applications in our everyday digital lives.  

Downloading software. MD5 is often used to verify that data has not been altered. For instance, when you download software, the provider might offer an MD5 hash. After downloading the software, you can generate its hash and compare it to the provided one. If they match, the file is considered intact. If they don’t, then it’s likely the file may have been corrupted or compromised. 

Optimising storage by removing duplicate files. MD5 helps identify duplicate files by comparing their hashes. If two files produce the same MD5 hash, they are truly identical and one can be deleted, which helps manage data storage efficiently. 

Generating unique identifiers: MD5 can create unique identifiers for different pieces of data, making it useful in databases and software development where unique keys are needed. 

The days when MD5 could reliably be used for data security and encryption are sadly behind us. Hackers can now create a file that has the exact same hash as an entirely different file. If you’re simply copying a file from one place to another, MD5 will still rise to the occasion. For encryption purposes, other technology, like a virtual private network (VPN) is needed. If you want to encrypt your internet connection, consider Avira Phantom VPN. As the name suggests it can help make your communications and real IP address ‘invisible’ to third parties by routing your data through a private virtual tunnel.  


It’s also advisable to regularly conduct a malware test to help make sure that your devices are free of infection.  

How secure is MD5—and how does it compare to MD4? 

MD5 is an improvement over its MD4 predecessor. While both produce 128-bit hashes, MD5 uses more complex processing steps to help address vulnerabilities found in MD4. MD5 is now more widely used, but like almost everything in life, it’s not perfect and security is not watertight.  

Specifically, it’s susceptible to collision attacks, where two different inputs produce the same hash. This makes it unreliable for security-sensitive applications like password storage or encryption of sensitive data. It’s also vulnerable to preimage attacks, which is when hackers try to figure out the original data from its scrambled form.  

It’s time to explore new wares on the cryptographic market  

In today’s ever-evolving landscape of data security, it’s crucial to continually reassess cryptographic methods to ensure robust protection against emerging threats. Digital ‘seas’ are awash with sophisticated ransomware and other online threats. Thankfully, we users have digital weapons of our own! Beyond a VPN, it’s worth considering installing Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) which uses a key system to lock and unlock data.   

While MD5 has long been a staple in data integrity verification, increases in computer processing power have meant a new wave of collision attacks! While recent advancements in cybersecurity have revealed its vulnerabilities, they’ve also provided formidable new alternatives:  

1. SHA-256: 

This cryptographic hash function generates a unique, fixed-size hash value from input data. It’s widely used for TLS/SSL website authentication and data encryption but has a much longer hash function than MD5. This helps ensure a higher level of security and means it’s more resistant to brute-force attacks.  

2. BLAKE2  

This is a cryptographic hash and message authentication code that excels at keeping files safe—in fact, it’s considered superior to SHA-2 in security and speed.  

3. Argon2:  

Strong passwords help protect your digital assets but even they’re not foolproof. Enter Argon2, a password-hashing algorithm that helps stop passwords from being cracked. It’s resistant to a variety of attack strategies and therefore recommended for applications that require extra-strong password protection.  

Help safeguard your online security and privacy with a VPN 

As you’ll no doubt have realised by now, some form of data encryption is vital in thwarting cyberattacks. Whenever you go online, you broadcast a wealth of personal data, including your unique Internet Protocol (IP) address and location—and your browsing history and online activities are an open book for anyone trying to track you. Thankfully, a VPN can help. Free Avira Phantom VPN helps encrypt and anonymise your data and transmits it via a more secure tunnel, where it’s freer from the prying eyes of third parties.   


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