Our new open source library “.NetFileDownloader” ensures that huge files are downloaded steadily via http(s) and in case of an interruption can be resumed easily – even if your internet connection sucks! The .NET library can be used as part of a software and is freely adjustable.
Leonid Piontak, Specialist Software Developer at Avira, spills the beans about the background and details of this project.
Technical details on GitHub: https://github.com/Avira/.NetFileDownloader

Hi Leonid, what exactly is project „.NetFileDownloader“?
Leonid: Hi there! Well, think about it: Especially the download of huge files via HTTP or HTTPS should be resumed even if you have a bad internet connection or interruptions, right? And this exactly what our new library is able to do.
Half a year ago, we created it as part of our Avira Launcher, simply because we couldn’t find anything else that fit our requirements and needs. By today it’s running on more than 30 million computers and has proven to work reliable and stable.
Why is FileDownloader being offered as “Open Source”?
Leonid: As a part of our company strategy – «I rent and share rather than own» we wanted to share a part of our code with the community. We are of course looking forward to the feedback and the participation of the open source users.
Will you develop it even further?
Leonid: We will by no means stop developing it; we even have some improvements in our pipeline already! Also, based on the feedback we receive we will further develop the library. Additionally, since the .NetFileDownloader is an open source project, our community is also able to enhance it even further on their own. This will (hopefully) lead to exiting new ideas and features!
What makes FileDownloader so special compared to the other already available download libraries?
Leonid: It’s the combination of the resuming download after an interruption of your internet connection and of the freely-adjustable .NET library which can be simply a part of a program. As far as we know there is no other open source .NET library which offers the same freedom combined with the available functionalities.
Does our open source community members have to consider certain licenses?
Leonid: FileDownloader is an open source project and is available via MIT license. More details regarding this license can be found in our GitHub project.
Leonid, many thanks for this interview and we hope that a lot of.NET developers will find it interesting and participate in this project!