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Advanced persistent threat

What is an advanced persistent threat (APT)?

These are elaborate, multi-step targeted attacks aimed at infiltrating a specific network, such as governmental institutions or companies.

How they spread

APTs are designed to evade detection and usually involve malware attempting to exploit vulnerabilities.

What they are after

Unlike hit-and-run attacks, APTs exploit vulnerabilities to get in, and once inside, the attacker monitors traffic to steal the desired information. In this respect, APTs are to antivirus what stealth aircraft is to radar; they aim to remain undetected as long as possible in order to siphon off intellectual property, computer source code, and financial assets.

Known cases

Some of the most high-profile cases of advanced persistent threats targeting companies include Adobe, Google, Lockheed Martin, and Sony.

Automatically renews, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Subscription details below.*
Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Subscription details below.*
Automatically renews, unless the renewal is cancelled. Subscription details below.*
Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Subscription details below.*
Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Subscription details below.*
Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Subscription details below.*
Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Subscription details below.*
Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Subscription details below.*
Special offer for the first #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Subscription details below.*
Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Subscription details below.*
Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#: #cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Subscription details below.*
Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#: #cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the first 2 year price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Subscription details below.*
Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#: #cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Subscription details below.*
Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Subscription details below.*
Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#: #cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Subscription details below.*
Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#: #cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the first 2 year price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Subscription details below.*
Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#: #cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Subscription details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / first #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period# (#cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#), and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / first #cma_period# (#cma_promo_saved_price# off the first 2 year price of #cma_promo_standard_price#), and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period# (#cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#), and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer for the first #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / first #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period# (#cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#), and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / first #cma_period# (#cma_promo_saved_price# off the first 2 year price of #cma_promo_standard_price#), and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period# (#cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#), and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Offer details below.*
Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Savings compared to the renewal price. Subscription details below.*
Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Savings compared to 2 x annual renewal price of #cma_promo_renewal_price# / year. Subscription details below.*
Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Savings compared to the renewal price. Subscription details below.*
Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Subscription details below.*
Special offer for the first #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Subscription details below.*
Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Subscription details below.*
Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#: #cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Savings compared to the renewal price. Subscription details below.*
Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#: #cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the first 2 year price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Savings compared to 2 x annual renewal price of #cma_promo_renewal_price# / year. Subscription details below.*
Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#: #cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Savings compared to the renewal price. Subscription details below.*
Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Savings compared to the renewal price. Subscription details below.*
Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Subscription details below.*
Special offer for the first #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Subscription details below.*
Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Subscription details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / first #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / first #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period# and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer for the first #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / first #cma_period# and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period# and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / first #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts and automatically renews, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Offer details below.*
#cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Then #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#.
#cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the first 2 year price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Then #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#.
#cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Then #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#.
The remaining value left on your current subscription is converted into additional days in your new subscription.
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