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Discover the free junk cleaner you really need
Rev up performance by clearing out your devices.
Computer or mobile freezing or running slowly? It’s time to spring-clean those folders, disk, and hard drive—for free, with these optimization solutions from Avira.
Avira Free System Speedup
Create a lean, mean speed machine
Keeping a PC in shape is as important as tuning your car’s engine. To rev up performance, regularly clear system clutter and delete all junk. Here are some top tips:
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We’re proudly Made in Germany. Our multi-award-winning software portfolio is the result of 30 years of experience in developing security and performance solutions. In fact, our applications already protect over 500 million devices, so you’re in good company!
Avira has more than 35 years of online security experience
Clean out junk for free—download now
Enhance the performance of all your devices.
Looking for premium optimization tools?
Discover System Speedup ProFor WindowsMeet the PC cleaner from Avira.
Weight gain and slowing down in old age? It’s common in humans, and it’s no different with our devices. Over time, they become bloated with clutter…temp files, internet cookies, unnecessary user data…and this junk affects their performance. Imagine trying to run with a load of unnecessary weight? Thankfully, technology from online security experts, Avira, makes it easy to help fix what’s slowing them down. Discover the junk cleaner that’s packed with tools to help put an end to annoying issues, from crashes and freezes to slimming down an overweight PC that crawls like a snail. (Sadly, it doesn’t work on device owners. Yet?).
Should you leave decluttering to the experts?
Where does all the digital junk that’s clogging your machine even come from? Sometimes, we’re to blame: Look no further than all those blurry photos, screenshots, and old documents you never get around to deleting! And if you we do clear anything out, how often does it languish in the recycle bin? That needs regular emptying too, along with your downloads folder. Files, photos, and videos can clutter up desktops and can be stored in the cloud, where they’re not chewing up your resources (and they’re safer from loss and theft too!).
Unused programs also sit around unloved and unnoticed but taking up space. To uninstall an app from a Windows PC, click the Start button and look for the app or program. Press and hold (or right-click) the app and select Uninstall.
If you’d like to see which apps are the biggest resource hogs, open Task Manager by hitting Ctrl + Shift + Esc on a PC. A list of running applications, and what they’re consuming, appears:
A regular manual clean-up is unavoidable, but if it’s a truly leaner, meaner, speedier machine you’re after, a technological helping hand is essential. Avira System Speedup for PCs is comes with a free PC cleaner and optimization tools. It scans your system, reaching deep into the nooks and crannies to find less visible junk, including:
· Temporary files: These are files are used by programs and your operating system to store temporary data, such as when you download updates. Over time, they can take a lot of space but can be tricky to find as they lurk in hidden folders! Plus, many of us won’t know which ones are safe to remove…
· Cache and cookies on your web browser: The cache refers to the web pages your browser saves to improve browsing speed). Cookies are the data stored on your computer by websites you visit (no chocolate chips), and they build up as you surf. You could remove all this browsing data yourself from every browser you use regularly, but surely life is too short? The Avira junk cleaner helps wipe away leftover web traces for you.
· Windows registry: This is a database of information, settings and options for software and hardware installed on Microsoft Windows machines. After years of software installs, uninstalls, and program upgrades, it can be littered with junk. Let the Avira PC cleaner analyze and help clean up your registry.
Staying on top of cleaning is critical but time-consuming if you go it alone. Avira System Speedup can offer a deep clean and tune up with just one click. It quietly scans your system to delete obsolete and duplicate files, defragment your hard drive, and more. The result? You could free up space for thousands of extra photos, and even speed up boot times. And if you accidentally delete a folder, it’s easy to restore files or even the entire system.
Not a PC that needs cleaning up? Not a problem.
For Mac users, there’s Avira Antivirus for Mac. Despite the name, it does more than keep you safer online! Use the Smart Scan to check for online security, privacy, and performance issues. The Junk Cleaner helps free up space by deleting unwanted junk files.
Avira can help declutter your mobile too. In addition to online security, Avira Antivirus for Android lets you optimize system usage, and the RAM cleaner frees up memory and shuts down unnecessary processes to help enhance performance. Avira Mobile Security for iOS offers a Smart Scan to alert you to performance issues, and the Photo Cleaner tracks down and deletes duplicate pictures to save space.
Avira PC cleaner is part of an extensive portfolio of products and services
Avira offers a portfolio of security, online privacy, and performance solutions. It is continuously innovating and evolving to remain on the cutting edge of online security and performance developments. For a more complete experience, consider combining System Speedup with a Software Updater, Antivirus, VPN, and more. They’re all inside Avira Free Security, and like the name suggests, it’s free.
You can use a free junk cleaner like Avira System Speedup to clean up your PC in just a few clicks. Avira’s PC cleaner helps you remove useless data such as temporary, duplicate, and cache files, improving your computer’s performance in the process. And what’s even better: You can not only clear your system of junk files to free up new storage space but also speed up your PC’s start time.
Yes. That’s because a PC cleaner will help you clean up your PC and rid it of useless data. Junk files just sit there, using up a lot of precious storage space. In turn, this saps your system performance and throttles your computer. By using a PC cleaner like Avira System Speedup, you can regularly clean your computer and remove useless data like junk files. You’ll regain more storage space and speed up your slow computer. On top of that, with Avira’s tune-up software you can make your PC start faster as well as clean up and tune up your RAM.
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