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Are VPNs truly safe?

Explore why VPN is the recommended choice for greater online security and freedom.

Your privacy and data are under threat particularly when you use public WiFi. Defend yourself with trusted, free Avira Phantom VPN.

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Are VPNs worth it?

It stands for “virtual private network.”  But what is that exactly—and is it safe?


It puts your system in lock down

Here’s what happens whenever you access a website without using a VPN:

You first connect to your internet service provider (ISP), and they redirect you to the website you’ve chosen. Everything you do online passes through your ISP’s servers, so they know all about you. They can also log everything you do—and hand this over to third parties like advertisers or even government agencies. 


And here is what happens when you use VPN:

Your internet traffic is redirected through a remote server, which hides your IP address (your device’s unique identifier) and encrypts all your internet traffic. VPN is essentially a secure, private tunnel through which all your communications run. 


No one can get their hands on your private information, and thanks to high-level encryption, they can’t read it even if they do find it! With a VPN, you’re an online phantom. You’re invisible, so none of your activities can be traced back to you, your device, or your location. That’s bad news for hackers, advertisers, and snoops, but great for your online safety and privacy. 

Online risks you avoid

The internet is full of scams, and in particular, using public WiFi without a VPN makes you vulnerable. Here are 4 popular methods used to gain access to your data, including passwords and banking details.


Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks occur when a malicious third party intercepts your communication.


Using packet sniffing software, hackers can intercept and log data traveling over a free WiFi network. These streams of data, or packets, can be downloaded and saved.


Session hijacking exploits a vulnerability with cookies, which are small data files saved by your browser on your device. By hijacking your browser session over a public WiFi network, hackers can easily capture this data and log in to a website as you.

Malicious hotspots are quick to be set up and can look like legitimate WiFi networks. They can easily trick you into logging in and, with your device connected to their networks, hackers can steal your personal information.

Should I use a VPN?

If you’re serious about your security and privacy, then, yes! Even if you have nothing to hide, do you like the idea of being watched and tracked?

A VPN is for everyone, but most strongly recommended if:

You regularly use public WiFi

These are not secure, and hackers use many methods to intercept your internet traffic. They can then steal your passwords and other confidential data, access your private photos, and even steal your identity.

You use file sharing services

Many ISPs try to limit file sharing services, like P2P (Peer-to-Peer). They restrict your choices and might even slow down your internet speed. Using a VPN makes it difficult for an ISP to detect your file downloads and uploads.

You’re a journalist or anyone who shares sensitive info

If you’re in a line of work that involves sending sensitive information, then protecting your data, identity, and information sources is essential.

What are the other advantages of a VPN?

It does so much more than hiding or changing your IP address.


Safely use public WiFi

Public WiFi (in restaurants, cafes, etc.) is unsafe as others in this network can access your data. Surfing with an active VPN connection encrypts all data received and sent, so you’re safe from hackers.

Unblock websites

By hiding your IP address, you can bypass regional censorship. So, if you’re abroad, choose a VPN server from home to watch your favorite show and beat geo-blocking! And gamers can play with the world!

Evade tracking

Advertisers track your IP address to send you targeted ads. Not with Phantom VPN! It assigns you a different IP addresses with every connection, and none of them can be traced back to you.

Be secure on all your devices with our free VPN

Use Avira Phantom VPN on your devices, including laptops and smartphones. Our free VPN works with Windows, Android, iOS, and Mac. There’s also a browser plugin available for Chrome.

  • iPhones & iPads (iOS)
  • MacBooks & iMacs (macOS)
  • Windows devices
  • Chrome
  • Android phones and tablets

Choose Avira for a secure VPN

Safely connect to hotspots and shield your privacy with our fast, free Phantom VPN! Here’s a list of what makes it the trusted choice:

Rated one of the top free VPNs in the world.

✔ Uses the 256 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256), which is the worldwide norm for data encryption. AES-256 offers so many encryption combinations, it would take billions of computers more than 13 billion years to crack them!

✔ Gives you access to 38 server locations around the globe—with just 2 clicks—so no one knows where you really are.

✔ Works on any device for Windows, Android, iOS, and Mac—there’s also a free browser plugin for Chrome!

✔ Part of a multi-award-winning software portfolio from a trusted German security leader, with 30 years of experience.

Plus, it’s free!


Avira has more than 35 years of online security experience


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For more safety online—download now.

Overcome the risks of public WiFi and connect safely anywhere.


Discover Phantom VPN Pro

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Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
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Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#: #cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
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Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#: #cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the first 2 year price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
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Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#: #cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
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Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
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Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / first #cma_period# (#cma_promo_saved_price# off the first 2 year price of #cma_promo_standard_price#), and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
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Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period# (#cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#), and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
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Payment method required. Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
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Payment method required. Special offer for the first #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / first #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
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Payment method required. Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
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Payment method required. Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period# (#cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#), and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
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Payment method required. Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / first #cma_period# (#cma_promo_saved_price# off the first 2 year price of #cma_promo_standard_price#), and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
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Payment method required. Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period# (#cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#), and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
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Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Savings compared to the renewal price. Subscription details below.*
Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Savings compared to 2 x annual renewal price of #cma_promo_renewal_price# / year. Subscription details below.*
Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Savings compared to the renewal price. Subscription details below.*
Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Subscription details below.*
Special offer for the first #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Subscription details below.*
Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Subscription details below.*
Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#: #cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Savings compared to the renewal price. Subscription details below.*
Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#: #cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the first 2 year price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Savings compared to 2 x annual renewal price of #cma_promo_renewal_price# / year. Subscription details below.*
Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#: #cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Savings compared to the renewal price. Subscription details below.*
Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Savings compared to the renewal price. Subscription details below.*
Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Subscription details below.*
Special offer for the first #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Subscription details below.*
Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. Automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Subscription details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / first #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / first #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period# and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer for the first #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / first #cma_period# and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer for the 1st #cma_period# until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period# and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / first #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. Special offer until #cma_promo_end_date#. When trial ends: paid subscription starts at #cma_promo_price# / 1st #cma_period#, and automatically renews at #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#, unless the renewal is cancelled. Offer details below.*
Payment method required. When trial ends: paid subscription starts and automatically renews, unless the renewal is cancelled. Price subject to change.
Offer details below.*
#cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Then #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#.
#cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the first 2 year price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Then #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#.
#cma_promo_price# — #cma_promo_saved_price# off the 1st #cma_period# price of #cma_promo_standard_price#. Then #cma_promo_renewal_price# / #cma_renewal_period#.
The remaining value left on your current subscription is converted into additional days in your new subscription.
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